วันเสาร์ที่ 10 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

category games for kids - Scattergories Junior

Scattergories Junior

Scattergories Junior

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Product Description

Editorial Review

The popular list game is now available with categories just for kids, such as school, animals, pop music, personal likes and dislikes, etc. Just like in its parent version, two to four players are each given a pad of paper and a category list. Roll the alphabet die to determine which letter will be used for that round of play. (If the subject is "things you do at recess," for example, and the letter is "h," players must list activities that begin with "h," such as "hopscotch," "homework," "hanging out," etc.) Points are earned for adding words to your list that no one else thought of. A great game for kids (and adults) who are less interested in competition than creative play. --Tom Keogh

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